
Setting up Courier-IMAP

Note: The following is part of a series of steps to setup an email server using Exim 4.x, with imap and webmail access. It will use winbind to get user information from an NT server. If you found this page via a search engine it may not cover what you need or you may need to start at the beginning to understand everything I have done.

(Note: These instructions reference software that is now possibly much newer with many new or different configuration options. This page is being left up for reference.)

Creating Digital IDs for use with AutoCAD

With AutoCAD 2004 and newer, including LT, you can use digital certificates to "sign" dwg files.

SciFi books with Strong Women

Honor Harrington

If you haven't read Honor Harrington, you're missing some good reading.


Saddle Making

saddle - side view My saddle was a final project in Leathers 3. My advisor/teacher for the class, it was independent study at that level, said I would never be able to do my first saddle in one semester (5 months). Well, I did pull some all-nighters and several weekends, but I made it. As you can see it is not your basic Western saddle. Actually it uses a McClellan tree I got from a saddle found at a local flea market.

Setting up Squirrelmail

Note: The following is part of a series of steps to setup an email server using Exim 4.x, with imap and webmail access. It will use winbind to get user information from an NT server. If you found this page via a search engine it may not cover what you need or you may need to start at the beginning to understand everything I have done.

(Note: These instructions reference software that is now possibly much newer with many new or different configuration options. This page is being left up for reference.)